Job Descriptions
We currently have VACANCIES for the following Executive Committee/Trustee positions:
The following Society Officer roles will also become vacant in March 2025 so it would be advisable for someone to shadow these roles as soon as possible.
Click on the job title below to see job description. Further information can be obtained from the Chairman.
Further Volunteer Vacancies (not Trustee)
- Membership Secretary
- Assistant Editor*
Online Branch:
- Eventbrite Coordinator*
- Online Branch Secretary*
- Online Branch - Meeting Hosts*
- Online Branch - Coordinator*
Finance Team:
Charities Commission Correspondent
Asset Register Coordinator*
Membership Team:
Membership Secretary (see above)
Data Manager
Data Controller (ICO contact)
Website Team:
Website Manager
Website Administrator(s)
General Admin:
- Publications Administrator
- Assistant Secretary (Marketing)
- Minutes Secretary
- Research Coordinator
- Project Coordinator*
- Also Research and Admin Volunteers at Aberkenfig Resource Centre*
* Being updated contact the Chairman for more information.